5 Ways Food Trucks Can Help Your Business

Food trucks have spread like wildfire across the United States as the hottest trend in the culinary world. From weddings to parties to corporate events to any gathering, food trucks are a unique way to serve delicious, fresh food to a crowd. People are instantly drawn to food trucks no matter where they are with their eye-popping designs, creative menus and mouth-watering aromas. Such an attraction is the perfect marketing tool and here are 5 ideas of ways Trucked Up Catering, LLC can work with you to use a food truck to help your business.

Wrap the Truck

Many food trucks will offer your business the option to custom wrap the truck in your business’ logo, colors, slogan and whatever else you would like to display. Be bold with your design; you want it to stand out. This will be essential to using a food truck as an effective tool for marketing to potential customers, boosting the enthusiasm of employees, or whatever your purpose of the food truck may be.

Storefront Food Truck

Once you have wrapped your food truck, a perfect marketing tool is to have the truck sit right outside your storefront and as customers come in and out, they will be drawn to its sensational sights and smells. Food trucks are an eye catcher. Cars and other passerbyers will not be able to help but notice your food truck and this is guaranteed to drive additional traffic to your business. People who otherwise would not have been customers, will indulge in the delicious offerings of the food truck, come in to shop, and provide a boost your bottom line.

Food Truck of the Month

Having a storefront food truck is sure to increase business so why only have it only be a one time thing? You can generate a following and customer excitement by having a new food truck come once a month. Tell your customers when the truck will come each month and word will spread incredibly fast. Wrapped in your brand, the food truck will offer new tasty foods and attract new customers, as well as bring back loyal ones. If you have multiple store locations, even better! Have a food truck go to a new location each month and you will see just how fantastic food trucks can be as a marketing tool for your company.

Employee Event

Get away from the typical catering and boring foods of employee events. At your next employee event, having a food truck decorated in your company’s colors serving scrumptious  one of a kind burgers sizzling off the grill or flavorful tacos sure to delight anyone’s taste buds will make your event a success. Employees will be thrilled about this event, as well as future ones in hopes of new exciting foods served fresh by food trucks. Most importantly, your employees will see you care about them. You did not want to just have another run of the mill employee gathering, but rather you, as a thoughtful boss, wanted them to have as unique and enjoyable a time as possible.

Grand Opening

If you are a new business owner about to open you first store, there is nothing more exciting than the grand opening day. You have done all your work to advertise your company and draw in customers and now you are finally ready to show them your great products. Well, a great addition to any grand opening celebration is a custom-wrapped food truck. Feeding your customers is sure attract dozens of more people as well as make them happier, shop longer, and most importantly, want to come back!

Food trucks, especially custom-wrapped food trucks, are an instant way to attract people’s attention and garner excitement and interest in your business. Whether it be for your customers or employees, using a food truck is a surefire way to spark enthusiasm for your company. Let Trucked Up Catering, LLC help you with your business’ new marketing campaign because with a food truck, your customers, and your bottom line, will be thanking you!